Juan Carlos Flores Hernandez
Age: 29
Institution: University of New San Salvador
Specialty: Doctorate in Medicine
Year Started the Scholarship Program: January 2020
GPA: 7 out of 10
What Has Been your Greatest Obstacles in Continuing your Education?
My biggest obstacle was my way of thinking and looking at life, because I believed that it would never be possible to get ahead. Nonetheless, I have realized that by working and making the effort, yes, it is possible to get ahead. Before, I saw the economic factor as an obstacle and I thought I’d never be able to attend university, but now I realize that that was only my mindset. Talking about the economic factor, it does continue to be a problem that hits home, but unlike before, I have now learned to fight for what I want, and that anything can be accomplished with a positive mind and plenty of effort. Another obstacle, one that hinders the desire to continue studying, is the social problem that is a secret to nobody and is latent in our society, but I have also learned that if we live in fear, we will never be able to achieve our goals.