Growing our Farming Program
Over the past years, each of the areas of our work have been focused through our Knowledge Is Power scholarship program, Farming for the Future focusing on sustainable agriculture, and finally the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene program. Nevertheless, as we all know, the global pandemic has created many challenges and made us refocus our attention on providing food and internet access.
Remember the food shortages and supply line problems we experienced in the United States? Well imagine those problems in the developing community of Los Tehuistes. Even without the pandemic community members struggled to obtain proper nutrition, food, and clean water. Food scarcity grew exponentially during the ongoing pandemic. Because of this school and homework became the last priority for our scholarship students. To continue our scholarship program, we were able to shift focus towards developing our Farming for the Future program.
Due to the money provided to us by the PRBB Foundation, we were able to provide families with emergency food and promote our Farming for the Future program within the community. Most recently, we continued the agroecological program with the aim of expanding the benefits of basic grain production. These families additionally developed two types of organic fertilizers (compos and bocachi) to farm 100% organic grains. In March of 2021, the community members began building bases with used car tires to create a watering system to ensure year-round agricultural production.
In addition to grains, along with the American Friends Service Committee, we delivered approximately 700 fervents of tilapias to families that were integrated into the Farming for the Future program. Along with this development, a workshop was held where community members learned the correct management of these fish to obtain the necessary protein as part of their diet. Check out our Facebook page linked to below for more information!
Maintenance of the Tilapia Fish
The production of organic fertilizer